Creates a CallsPerSecondCounter with a specified sample size and freqency of collection. A reasonable sample size is 100, although even as low as 25 will often yeild reasonable results. The higher the sample size, the longer it takes for Value to drop to zero, for a sample size of 100 the counter value will reach zero aprox 50 seconds after the last activity. The sampleFreq defines how often a sample is taken, for instance a value of 5 means to collect a sample only every 5th call to Increment() whereas a value of 1 will collect on every call. For high sampling rates this value can be increased to improve accuracy; however, it will also multiply the warm-up and cool-down time required for the Value property to move off of zero or move to zero.
- sampleSize
- sampleFreq
Target Platforms: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7
See Also