CSharpTest.Net.Threading Namespace
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CSharpTest.Net.Library Assembly : CSharpTest.Net.Threading Namespace

Glossary Item Box


ClassCallsPerSecondCounter A low-precision, but fast, counter that estimates how often the Increment() method is being called on this instance. The precision is roughly +/- 1.7% for every 1000 calls/sec; so at 20000 calls/second expect the Value property to be +/- 34%. If you looking for something cheap to use to 'push-back' on overbearing clients this should suite most needs. If more accuracy is desired at higher volumes, specify the sampleFreq to scale the data samples under 1000/sec.
ClassUsageCounter Provides a counter that fires a delegate on first usage and last release. For the counts to be maintained someone must hold an instance of one or more of these objects.
ClassWaitAndContinueList Represents a set of queued IWorkAndContinue items that can be processed
ClassWaitAndContinueWorker Represents a single worker thread that processes IWaitAndContinue work items
ClassWorkQueue An extremely basic WorkQueue using a fixed number of threads to execute Action() or Action<T> delegates
ClassWorkQueue<T> An extremely basic WorkQueue using a fixed number of threads to execute Action<T> over the enqueued instances of type T, aggregates an instance of WorkQueue()


InterfaceIWaitAndContinue Describes a set of WaitHandles that, when signaled, trigger a process to continue
InterfaceIWorkQueue<T> Provides an interface for a simple WorkQueue

See Also

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