ExistingLogAction Enumeration
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CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree Assembly > CSharpTest.Net.Collections Namespace : ExistingLogAction Enumeration

Glossary Item Box

Defines the action to perform when opening a BPlusTree with an existing log file.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum ExistingLogAction 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum ExistingLogAction : System.Enum 


DefaultInfers the default wether or not the data file was created. For newly created data files (CreatePolicy = Always, or IfNeeded and the file is missing) the default will be Truncate. When existing data files are opened the default will ReplayAndCommit.
IgnoreIgnore the existing entries in the log
ReplayReplay the log entries uncommitted
ReplayAndCommitReplay the log entries and commit the changes to the store
TruncateIgnore the existing entries and truncate the log



C#Copy Code
var options = (BPlusTree<int, string>.OptionsV2)Options;

Assert.AreEqual(ExistingLogAction.Default, options.ExistingLogAction);
options.ExistingLogAction = ExistingLogAction.Ignore;
Assert.AreEqual(ExistingLogAction.Ignore, options.ExistingLogAction);

Assert.AreEqual(-1, options.TransactionLogLimit);
options.TransactionLogLimit = int.MaxValue;
Assert.AreEqual(int.MaxValue, options.TransactionLogLimit);
VB.NETCopy Code
Dim options As var = DirectCast(Options, BPlusTree(Of Integer, String).OptionsV2)

Assert.AreEqual(ExistingLogAction.[Default], options.ExistingLogAction)
options.ExistingLogAction = ExistingLogAction.Ignore
Assert.AreEqual(ExistingLogAction.Ignore, options.ExistingLogAction)

Assert.AreEqual(-1, options.TransactionLogLimit)
options.TransactionLogLimit = Integer.MaxValue
Assert.AreEqual(Integer.MaxValue, options.TransactionLogLimit)

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7

See Also

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