| Name | Description |
| Add | Adds an element with the provided key and value to the IDictionary. |
| AddRange | Overloaded. Presorts the provided enumeration in batches and then performs an optimized insert on the resulting set(s). |
| AddRangeSorted | Overloaded. Optimized insert of presorted key/value pairs. If the input is not presorted, please use AddRange() instead. |
| BulkInsert | Overloaded. Rewrite the entire BTree as a transaction to include the provided items. This method is Thread safe. If the input is already sorted, use BulkInsertOptions overload to specify InputIsSorted = true. |
| Clear | Removes all items from the collection and permanently destroys all storage. |
| Commit | When using TransactionLog, this method commits the changes in the current instance to the output file and truncates the log. For all other cases the method is a no-op and no exception is raised. This method is NOT thread safe UNLESS the CallLevelLock property has been set to valid reader/writer lock. If you need to call this method while writers are currently accessing the tree, make sure the CallLevelLock options is specified. |
| ContainsKey | Determines whether the IDictionary contains an element with the specified key. |
| CopyTo | Copies the elements of the ICollection to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index. |
| DebugSetOutput | Sets a text writter that the entire btree will be dumped to after every read/write/seek operation. The format is a single line of text in abbreviated form: {k1{k1,k2,k3},k4{k4,k5}} |
| DebugSetValidateOnCheckpoint | Sets a boolean condition that will validate the state of the entire btree after every operation. |
| Dispose | Closes the storage and clears memory used by the instance |
| EnableCount | Due to the cost of upkeep, this must be enable each time the object is created via a call to EnableCount() which itself must be done before any writer threads are active for it to be accurate. This requires that the entire tree be loaded (sequentially) in order to build the initial working count. Once completed, members like Add() and Remove() will keep the initial count accurate. |
| EnumerateFile | Directly enumerates the contents of BPlusTree from disk in read-only mode. |
| EnumerateFrom | Inclusivly enumerates from start key to the end of the collection |
| EnumerateRange | Inclusivly enumerates from start key to stop key |
| First | Returns the first key and it's associated value. |
| GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. |
| GetOrAdd | Overloaded. Adds a key/value pair to the IDictionary if the key does not already exist. |
| Last | Returns the last key and it's associated value. |
| Print | Prints the entire tree to the text writer |
| RecoverFile | Recovers as much file content as possible into a newly created BPlusTree<TKey,TValue>, if the operation returns a non-zero result it was successful and the file has been replaced with a new database containing the recovered data. The original file remains in-tact but was renamed with a '.deleted' extension. |
| RecoveryScan | Performs a low-level scan of the storage file to yield all Key/Value pairs it was able to read from the file. |
| Remove | Removes the element with the specified key from the IDictionary. |
| Rollback | With version 2 storage this will revert the contents of tree to it's initial state when the file was first opened, or to the state captured with the last call to commit. Any transaction log data will be truncated. |
| TryAdd | Overloaded. Adds an element with the provided key and value to the IDictionary by calling the provided factory method to construct the value if the key is not already present in the collection. |
| TryGetFirst | Returns the first key and it's associated value. |
| TryGetLast | Returns the last key and it's associated value. |
| TryGetValue | Gets the value associated with the specified key. |
| TryRemove | Overloaded. Removes the element with the specified key from the IDictionary. |
| TryUpdate | Overloaded. Updates an element with the provided key to the value if it exists. |
| UnloadCache | Safely removes all items from the in-memory cache. |
| Validate | Forces a top-down, depth-first, crawl of the entire tree in which every node and every link or key is checked for accuracy. Throws on error. |