CSharpTest.Net.Utils Namespace
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CSharpTest.Net.Library Assembly : CSharpTest.Net.Utils Namespace

Glossary Item Box


ClassArgumentList This is a private class as the means of sharing is to simply include the source file not reference a library.
ClassArgumentList.Item This is a single named argument within an argument list collection, this can be implicitly assigned to a string, or a string[] array
ClassFileList A utility class for gathering files
ClassFileList.FileFoundEventArgs Event args passed to the FileFound event
ClassFileUtils Provides utilities related to files and file paths
ClassObjectKeepAlive Provides a means of forcing the garbage collector to wait on objects aquired from permanent storage while only holding WeakReference's of the object. Essentially uses a simple lockless algorithm to track the most recently loaded objects so that they will stay alive longer.
ClassProcessInfo Utility class for obtaining information about the currently running process and AppDomain
ClassRegexPatterns A collection of common regular expression patterns
ClassStringConverter Handles the conversion of data to and from strings for serialization. Can alternatly be configured to provide other transforms for display or other outputs.
ClassStringUtils Various routines for string manipulations
ClassWeakReference<T> A strong-typed derivation of the WeakReference class
ClassXmlConfiguration<T> This is basically a big hack on the whole configuration system, it's purpose is to avoid the entire thing. Where argument T is any [XmlSerializable] object this class can deserialize it from the configuration file. It looks for an xsd either embeded into typeof(T).Assembly or in the local filesystem. The Xsd must be named typeof(T).FullName + ".xsd" to be found by this class. If found validation will occur durring the deserialization process and an exception of type XmlException() will be raised on errors. Optionally, you can directly set the schema via the static XmlSchema property.


InterfaceIObjectKeepAlive Provides an interface for tracking a limited number of references to objects for use in a WeakReference cache.


DelegateStringConverter.TryParseMethod<TYPE> The delegate type used to try and parse a string

See Also

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