CSharpTest.Net.Interfaces Namespace
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CSharpTest.Net.Library Assembly : CSharpTest.Net.Interfaces Namespace

Glossary Item Box


ClassDelegateFactory<T> A factory that creates a new instance of an object each time Create() is called.
ClassInstanceFactory<T> A factory that always returns the same instance of an object each time Create() is called.
ClassNewFactory<T> A factory that creates a new instance of an object each time Create() is called.
ClassSingleton<T> A static singleton and factory that uses a globally common instance.


InterfaceICloneable<T> Provides a strongly typed shallow copy of the current object
InterfaceIFactory<T> Generic factory for instances of type T
InterfaceITransactable Supplies a common interface to transaction based objects


DelegateFactoryMethod<T> A delegate that takes no arguemnts and returns a single value

See Also

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