Using temp1 As New TempFile()
Using temp2 As New TempFile()
Dim options As var = New TransactedCompoundFile.Options(temp1.TempPath) With { _
Key .BlockSize = 512 _
Const count As Integer = 4
Dim sample1 As Byte() = New Byte(options.MaxWriteSize / 3) {}
Dim sample2 As Byte() = DirectCast(sample1.Clone(), Byte())
New Random().NextBytes(sample1)
New Random().NextBytes(sample2)
Using file As New TransactedCompoundFile(options)
Dim h As UInteger = 1UI
While h < count
Assert.AreEqual(h, file.Create())
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(h),h - 1)
End While
Dim h As UInteger = 1UI
While h < count
file.Write(h, sample1, 0, sample1.Length)
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(h),h - 1)
End While
Dim h As UInteger = 1UI
While h < count
file.Write(h, sample2, 0, sample2.Length)
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(h),h - 1)
End While
file.Commit(Function(x) temp1.CopyTo(temp2.TempPath, True), 0)
End Using
options = New TransactedCompoundFile.Options(temp2.TempPath) With { _
Key .BlockSize = 512, _
Key .CommitOnDispose = False _
'Verify primary has sample2 data
options.LoadingRule = TransactedCompoundFile.LoadingRule.Primary
Using file As New TransactedCompoundFile(options)
Dim h As UInteger = 1UI
While h < count
CompareBytes(sample2, 0, sample2.Length, IOStream.ReadAllBytes(file.Read(h)))
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(h),h - 1)
End While
End Using
'Verify secondary has sample1 data
options.LoadingRule = TransactedCompoundFile.LoadingRule.Secondary
Using file As New TransactedCompoundFile(options)
Dim h As UInteger = 1UI
While h < count
CompareBytes(sample1, 0, sample1.Length, IOStream.ReadAllBytes(file.Read(h)))
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(h),h - 1)
End While
End Using
End Using
End Using |